Monday, 1 September 2014

Vol 4, No.16 and No 17 (2014) Developing Country Studies

Vol 4, No 17 (2014)

Table of Contents


Crime Combat in Developing Economies: The Dilemmas of the Ghana Police ServicePDF
Awaisu Imurana Braimah, Cletus Kwaku. Mbowura1-14

Caritas’ Cooperative Credit Union (CCU) in Bangladesh: A New Approach to Poverty Alleviation and Rural DevelopmentPDF
Mohammad A. Ashraf15-23

A Critical Analysis of the Functionalist Arguments for the Levirate Custom among the Luo Community in KenyaPDF
Abong’o Ngore Vitalis24-30

Impact of Globalization on Socio-Cultural Development in NigeriaPDF
Daniel Cross Ogohi31-41

Productivity Improvement Search-Through the Concept of Interfirm ComparisonPDF
Orok B. Arrey42-45

Social Safety Net Programme as a Mean to Alleviate Poverty in BangladeshPDF
Ishita Ahmed, Nusrat Jahan, Fatema-Tuz Zohora46-54

Channels of Distribution of Cowpea in Borno State of NigeriaPDF
Yagana Babakura Imam55-62

Challenges and Strategies in Technical and Vocational Education and TrainingPDF
Norul Husna Ibrahim63-65

Consumers’ Perception of Quality and Health Beliefs of Sachet Drinking Water: Evidence from Obuasi in the Ashanti Region of GhanaPDF
Benjamin Spears Ngmekpele, Cheabu, James Hawkins, Ephraim66-77

A Critical and Comparative Analysis of Political Empowerment/Representation/ in Promoting Gender Equality in Gambella Regional StatePDF
Ojulu Okock, Melesse Asfaw78-95

Entrepreneurs’ Qualification and the Development of SSI: An Empirical EvidencePDF
Vishal Geete, Avinash Deasai96-102

Ekiti People of Southwestern Nigeria and Socio-Economic Self-Reliance Before 1900PDF
F. Jumoke Oloidi103-110

Talent Management and Employee Performance: Growing Young Colleges to Well Established OrganizationPDF
Muhoro G. Mwangi, Humphrey Muriuki Njuki, Oddillia Nabwire Okoth, Evans Ojiambo Onditi, Simon Ndichu Kinyanjui, Florence Kathambi Mwirigi, Kabangi Magdalene Wanjiru111-117

Stock Prices, Capital Market Development and Nigeria’s Economic GrowthPDF
Eriemo O Nathanael118-125

Communal and Ethno-Religious Crises and their Implications for National Development in NigeriaPDF
Anthony C. Onwumah126-131


Vol 4, No 16 (2014)

Table of Contents


Career Counseling in PakistanPDF
Atif Bilal, R.K. Malik1-11

Economic and Social Progress under Civilian & Military Set-ups in PakistanPDF
Ahmed Rizwan Raheem, Parmar Vishnu, Ahmad Nawa, Amin Muhammad Ahmed12-18

Citizenship Education in PakistanPDF
Atif Bilal, R.K. Malik19-26

Effective Leadership Tactics : Vision to Raise (TVET) Institutions LevelPDF
Mimi Mohaffyza Mohamad, Norasyikin Omar27-30

External Debt and Domestic Investment in Pakistan: A Cointegration AnalysisPDF
Sharafat Ali, Imran Sharif Chaudhry31-37

Grassroots Perception and Participation in Community Development Programs in Etche Local Government AreaPDF
Kobani, Doreen, Nkpolu Oroworukwo38-44

Higher Learning Institute Module Organization Vis-à-vis the Criteria of Curriculum Development for Problem Solving Skill DevelopmentPDF
Solomon Melesse45-50

Issues and Opportunities of Niche Tourism Markets- Understanding South India Wine TourismPDF
V. Jaykumar, Leena Nitin Fukey51-59

Influence of Personality on Academic Achievement and Performance of Teaching Practices Students in TVETPDF
Salina Binti Rabae60-65

Leadership Development and Sustainable Leadership among TVET StudentPDF
Hairuddin Harun, Siti Khadijah Mat Mom66-71

The Implementation of Training and Development Programs in Civil Service Institutions of Oromia National Regional State, EthiopiaPDF
Libanos Semere, Worku Negash, Melesse Asfaw72-78

Corruption an Enemy to Economic Development in NigeriaPDF
Mercy Erhi Makpor, Ese Akpede79-87

Adoption of Generic Skills in the Process of Teaching and Learning in College of VocationalPDF
Md Kharul Bin Rakib, Ali Suradin88-90

Migration, Labor Supply, Wages and Agriculture: A Case Study in Rural OdishaPDF
Mahendra P. Agasty, Rabi N. Patra91-109

Interpersonal Communication Skills among the Master’s Students in TVETPDF
Mohd Amiruddin Bin Mohd Jalaludin, Mohd Nor Bin Ihkasan110-118

E-Health System: A Study of Components and Practices in Developing CountriesPDF
Qamar Afaq Qureshi, Irfanullah Khan, Bahadar Shah, Allah Nawaz, Muhammad Waseem, Fida Muhammad119-125

Water Crisis and Urban Poor: The Case of Poor Communities in Dhaka City, BangladeshPDF
Kazi Sabrina Haq126-137

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565


Vol 4, No.16 and No 17 (2014) Developing Country Studies

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