Friday, 17 October 2014

First International Conference “Water for Health and Longevity”/Първа международна конференция “Вода за здраве и дълголетие”

First International Conference “Water for Health and Longevity”/Първа международна конференция “Вода за здраве и дълголетие”

Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB)
Prof. Ignat Ignatov
(Technically supported by the IISTE publishing platform)
Teteven, Bulgaria 23-25 of April 2015
Hotel Enitsa, Teteven, Bulgaria
Contact e-mail:

In today’s scientific world congresses and conferences are an opportunity for scientific and practical exchange. The Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics (SRCMB) and the International Institute of Science, Technology and Education (IISTE), USA are organizing the First International Conference “Water for Health and Longevity” in Teteven, Bulgaria. Bulgaria is well-known for its wealth of mineral and mountain waters. Water with its unique properties is exceptionally mysterious with regard to scientific research. Quality water of the mountains and the mineral springs, water purified for human consumption, is beneficial to human health and longevity. It is a solvent for vitamins, supplements, juices. But how could our results reach a larger audience? Modern science recognizes achievements that are published in impact factor journals, with reviewers of a high scientific level. These reports are recorded in Google Scholar. Google Scholar also shows how many times a report is quoted. These are necessary conditions for a scientist to have greater recognition and for his benefits to be more distinct in the information space. The reports of the speakers at the First International Conference “Water for Health and Longevity” will be published in three IISTE journals:

1. Journal of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics, May 31

2.  Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, June 30

3.  Advances in Physics Theories and Applications or an optional magazine, July 31

Each speaker will have the opportunity to make a business presentation of their activity. SRCMB will discuss with the professional team of Projecta the possibilities for projects financed by sponsors and projects of the European Union. Opportunities for joint practical longevity workshops will also be discussed. Organizers are pleased to maintain scientific and business relationships to the benefit of many people.

Bulgarian Version

Научноизследователски център по медицинска биофизика (НИЦМБ)
Проф. Игнат Игнатов
Международен институт за наука, технология и образование (МИНТО), САЩ
Д-р Александър Декер
Тетевен, България 23-25 април 2015
Хотел Еница, Тетевен, България
Имейл за контакт:

В съвременния научен свят конференциите и конгресите са възможност за научен и практически обмен. Научноизследователски център по медицинска биофизика (НИЦМБ) и Международен институт за наука, технология и образование (МИНТО), САЩ организират Първа международна конференция “Вода за здраве и дълголетие” в Тетевен, България. България е известна със своето богатство на минерални и планински води. Водата с уникалните си свойства е изключително загадъчна за научни изследвания. Качествената вода от планините и минералните извори, водата, която е пречистена за консумация е полезна за човешкото здраве и дълголетие. Тя е разтворител на витамини, добавки, сокове. Как обаче нашите резултати да достигнат до по-голям кръг от хора? В съвременната наука се признават постижения, които се публикуват в списания с импакт фактор с рецензенти, които имат високо научно ниво. Тези доклади се регистрират в Google Scholar. В Google Scholar се показва и колко пъти даден доклад е цитиран. Това са необходими условия даден учен да има все по-голямо признание и неговите постижения да са по-различими в информационното пространство. Докладите на лекторите на Първа международна конференция “Вода за здраве и дълголетие” ще бъдат публикувани в 3 списания на МИНТО:

1.Journal of Medicine, Physiology and Biophysics, 31 май

2. Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing, 30 юни

3. Advances in Physics Theories and Applications или списание по избор, 31 юли

Всеки един лектор ще може да направи и бизнес презентация на своята дейност. НИЦМБ ще обсъди с професионалния екип на Проджекта възможностите за проекти с финансиране от спонсори и проекти на Европейския съюз. Ще бъдат обсъдени и възможностите за съвместни практически семинари по дълголетие. За организаторите е удоволствие да се поддържат научни и бизнес отношения в полза на много хора.

First International Conference “Water for Health and Longevity”/Първа международна конференция “Вода за здраве и дълголетие”

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Vol 5, No.17 and No.18 (2014) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol 5, No 17 (2014)

Table of Contents


Contributing Factors and Consequences of Corporate Governance in Small Pakistani Listed CompaniesPDF
Syed Harris Laeeque1-9

Firm Attributes and Earnings Quality of listed Oil and Gas Companies in NigeriaPDF
Shehu Usman Hassan, Musa Adeiza Farouk10-17

Acquisition is Good for Business Financial Health?PDF
Nazik Hussain, Muhammad Sajid18-23

An Appraisal of Effective Financial Management of Local Government Funds: A Case of Ido-Osi Local Government Area, NigeriaPDF
Adebayo I.A, Dada A.R, Olarewaju O. M33-38

Surveying of the Relationship between Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Stock liquidity in Tehran Stock ExchangePDF
Yunes Badavar Nahandi, Vahab cheshmpanam, Taha Bahrami39-48

Impact of Capital Structure on Profitability: An Empirical Analysis of Cement Sector of PakistanPDF
Touseef Ahmad49-54

Comparison of the Listed Companies on the Stock Market in Terms of the Variables Affecting Operating Profit, Net Income and Operating Cash Flow, Return on EquityPDF
Atena Zadmehr, Ezatollah abbasiyan, Hossein Ali Zadmehr55-58

Factors Influencing Students’ Career Choice in Accounting: The Case of Yobe State UniversityPDF
Ibrahim Umar59-62

Financial Performance of Rural Saving and Credit Cooperatives in Tigray, EthiopiaPDF
Aregawi Ghebremichael Tirfe63-74

The Effects of Corporate Governance on Firm Financial Performance: A Study of Family and Non-Family Owned Firms in PakistanPDF
Bilal Latif75-89

Determinants of Growth in Bank Credit to the Private Sector in Ethiopia: A Supply Side ApproachPDF
Million Assefa90-102

The Financial Performance Analysis of Google Inc. V/S Industry TechnologyPDF
Madiha Latif103-109

How Indebtedness Occurrences Happening in Contemporary Globalized WorldPDF
Madiha Latif110-121

The Effect of Human Capital Development on Economic Growth in Nigeria (An Empirical Analysis during 1970 – 2011)PDF
Okoro G. Edesiri, Eyenubo A. Samuel122-126

Kodak Stunning Journey of Fortune to Misfortune (A Case Study – Financial Analysis)PDF
Nazik Hussain127-140

Mediating Role of Intellectual Capital Efficiency in Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Quoted Banks of PakistanPDF
Sumaira Aslam141-150

Impact of CEO Duality and Audit Committee on Firm Performance: A Study of Oil & Gas Listed Firms of PakistanPDF
Muhammad Arslan151-156

Optimal Capital Structure Based on Market Performance of Different Industry Sectors of Listed Companies at Indonesia Stock ExchangePDF
M. Rustam157-165

Adoption of Accounting Practices and Its Effects on SMEs: Financial Perspective of Sachet Water Producers in Northern Region of GhanaPDF
Isaac Boame, Kudadze Solace, Sulemana Issaka166-179

Earning Management, Timing Ability and Long-Run Underperformance of IPOs in Bangladesh.PDF
Rumana Haque, Mahmood Osman Imam180-192

Purchasing Power Parity: Implication with respect to Pakistan and USAPDF
Kalsoom Akhtar193-201

Relationship between Terrorism and Foreign Direct Investment FDI in PakistanPDF
Nazik Hussain202-206

Relationship of financial Sustainability and Outreach in Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions: Empirical EvidencePDF
Aderaw Gashayie207-211

The Effect of Automation on Stock Market Efficiency: A Case of Nairobi Securities ExchangePDF
Jonathan Ang’ani Omuchesi, Mary Bosire, Monica Muiru212-224

The Effect of Independent Audit Quality on the Quality of financial Disclosure – Evidence from Tehran Stock ExchangePDF
Navid Paydarmansh225-234

Determinants of Banking Institutions and Private Sector-Led Economy Growth in Nigeria (1989 – 2013): A Causality ApproachPDF

The Effect of Dividend Announcement on Share Price Changes for Companies listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, KenyaPDF
Samwel Karanja Ndung’u, Justo Simiyu, Nebat Galo, John Mbogo243-254

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847


Vol 5, No 18 (2014)

Table of Contents


A Survey of Exchange Rate Fluctuation on Tea Export Earnings among Smallholder Tea Factories in KenyaPDF
Cosmas Kiplagat Cherop, Jeremiah Rotich Changwony1-22

Board of Director’ Risk-Taking Characteristic and Accounting ConservatismPDF
Maria M. Ratna Sari, Bambang Subroto, Bambang Purnomosidhi, Rosidi .23-29

Determinants of Credit Access and Default among Crayfish Traders in Three Selected Markets in Akwa Ibom State, NigeriaPDF
Bassey, Nsikan Edet, Nyong Eteyen Edet, Umoh Idaraesit Uwem, Okon Ubokudom Etim30-38

Impact of Legal Insider Purchase of Shares on the Stock Price: Empirical Evidence from Dhaka Stock ExchangePDF
Moinuddin Ahmed45-50

Asset Quality and Bank Performance: A Study of Commercial Banks in NigeriaPDF
Abata, Matthew Adeolu39-44

Intellectual Capital Disclosures in Ghana: The Views of StakeholdersPDF
Nicholas Asare, Jacob Sekyi Arku, Joseph Mensah Onumah51-63

The Impact of Internal Audit Function Effectiveness on Quality of Financial Reporting and its Implications on Good Government Governance Research on Local Government IndonesiaPDF
Dien Noviany Rahmatika64-75

Managing Credit Risk to Optimize Banks’ Profitability: A Survey of Selected Banks in Lagos State, NigeriaPDF
Samson A. Alalade, Babatunde O. Binuyo, James A. Oguntodu76-84

Product Pricing Based on Activity-Based CostingPDF
Lin Chen, Yi he, Zhilin Qiao85-91

Searching for a Pathway to Priming Accountants for Ethical Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards: The Core Value ParadigmPDF
Francis Odianonsen Iyoha92-102

The Effect of Initial Public Offering on Company Performance A Case Study on Asia Cell in Kurdistan RegionPDF
Shivan Ahmed Mohammad Doski103-117

The Effects of Financial Sector Recapitalization Policy on the Performance of Banks in Ghana: A Comparative Study of Ghana Commercial Bank and Ecobank GhanaPDF
Jamal-Deen Kukurah, Fatawu Alhassan, Ahmed Sakara118-126

The Impact of Sustainability to Strengthen the Competitiveness of Industrial CompaniesPDF
Basman J. Mazahrih, Haider Baniata, M- Hael A. Ghafeer127-145

The State Joint Local Government Account System: Challenge on Rural Development in NigeriaPDF
Bright J. Agbani, Robinson O. Ugwoke146-156

Islamic Banking in Pakistan: An Attitudinal Study of CustomersPDF
Hamid Ali157-173

Impact of Bank Lending on Economic Growth in NigeriaPDF
Aliyu Ahmad, Yusuf Alhaji Hashim174-182

Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Corporate Collapse: A Post-Mortem Analysis of Failure of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in NigeriaPDF
Obara, C. Lawyer, Ogoun, Stanley183-190

Channel Conflict in MarketingPDF
Yagana Babakura IMAM191-195

Assessment of Supply-Side Financing of Lower-End Market SMEs by Rural Banks in GhanaPDF
Reindolf Yao Nani Adzido, Edem Maxwell Azila-Gbettor196-206

Internationalization Strategy of Nigerian BanksPDF

Implication of Catering Theory of Dividend: Evidence from Financial Firms Listed on the Nigerian Stock ExchangePDF
Rihanat Idowu Abdulkadir, Nur Adiana Hiau Abdullah, Woei-Chyuan Wong211-215

Developing Mobile Financial Services to Meet the Needs of Tertiary Students in GhanaPDF
Ishmael Appiah-Gyamerah, Benjamin Amoah216-227

Analysis of Micro-Financing on Youth Empowerment: Case of Micro-Finance Institutions in Murang’a County, KenyaPDF
Paul Ng’ang’a Macharia, Gilbert Nyaga, George Enock Gongera228-257

Stock Market Development, Foreign Direct Investment and Macroeconomic Stability: Evidence from NigeriaPDF
Sulaiman Umar Musa, Mohammed Ibrahim258-264

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2222-1697 ISSN (Online)2222-2847

Vol 5, No.17 and No.18 (2014) Research Journal of Finance and Accounting

Vol.4, No.19, No.20, No.21 (2014) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 4, No 19 (2014)

Table of Contents


Ensuring Inclusive Educational Leadership Practices: A Study of Support Services Delivery to Children with Special Needs in GhanaPDF
Anthony Afful-Broni, Nathan Ankutse1-6

Factors Influencing Roles Played by Church Leaders in Community Health Programmes’ Sustainability in Homa Bay District-KenyaPDF
Okomo Moses Olunga John, KAMIRUKA J, Wafula Charles Owino7-12

Analysis of Immigrants’ Residential Preference and Ethnic Segregation in Yenagoa MetropolisPDF
Obafemi, Andrew Adesola, Omiunu, Philomena13-20

Information Seeking Behaviour Model of Senior High School StudentsPDF
Rahma Sugihartati, Dessy Harisanty21-26

The Effects of Natural Resource Conservation on the Development of Fringe Communities around the Barekese Catchment AreaPDF
Oduro-Ofori Eric, Imoro Braimah, Asamoah Sarpong Frederick27-33

Challenges of Social Networking on Students’ Reading Habit in Ahmadu Bello University, ZariaPDF
Nansoh Shehu, Allahde Shehu34-39

Classroom Climate and Academic Performance among Female Student in Asa Local Government Area, Kwara StatePDF
Muritala Ishola AKANBI40-43

Corruption in Nigeria: Developing an Ethical Mind-Set for AccountabilityPDF
Usman, Joshua, Santas Tsegyu, Mustafa, Lynda Jummai44-48

Effect of Eight Weeks 6km Run Work/Training Programme on the Physical Fitness Levels of ChildrenPDF
Ogunleye Victor, J.B. Vipene49-53

Environmental Issues in Aminata Sow Fall’s The Beggars’ Strike: An Artist Impression of an African Social ProblemPDF
Mike Edung54-59

Internal Quality Assurance: Does It Exist in Ghanaian Nurses Training Colleges?PDF
Yaw Amankwa Arthur60-63

Globalization and Conflict in Central Kenya: The Case of Nyeri County, 1980-2010PDF
Felix Kiruthu, Patrick Mbataru64-72

Gender and Language AcquisitionPDF
Innocent E. Agu73-78

Effect of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis of Pakistan Telecom SectorPDF
Muhammad Arslan79-94

Praetorianism in A Case of Exploding Mangoes: A Critical Analysis.PDF
Muhammad Yar Tanvir95-102

Impact of Divorce on Academic Performance of Senior Secondary Students in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara StatePDF
Muritala Ishola AKANBI103-107

Speech acts and pragmatics of Adichie’s Purple HibiscusPDF
Babasola OSIPEJU108-117

Dance, Marriage and Culture: The Ososo Marriage Punitive Dance ParadigmPDF

The Invisible Gender in the Corporate World: A Case Study of the Business Daily Newspaper in KenyaPDF
Joseph K Karanja, Rachael C. Atamba123-127

Significance of Non-Narrative Features in Online University Prospectus of Pakistan: A Corpus-Based InvestigationPDF
Naveed Nawaz128-137

The Mental grooming and Self-esteem of the Students through Co-curricular activities: A Teacher’s viewPDF
Riaz Ahmad138-141

The Contextualization of Indigenous Dance Movement. A Critical Appraisal on Tatasoso Dance PerformancePDF
Akas, Nicholas Chielotam142-147

Women’s Productive and Economic Roles towards Household Poverty Reduction in Ghana. A Survey of Bongo District in Northern GhanaPDF
Jones Opoku-Ware148-155

The United Nations Plebiscites in the Northern Cameroons: Post-Colonial Issues and Challenges in Sardauna Local Government Area of Taraba State, NigeriaPDF
Lenshie, Nsemba Edward, Gambo, Jiebreeal Yakubu156-170

Spouse Employment Status, Age, Cadre and Religiosity as Predictors of Wife Abuse among Officers and Men of Nigerian Police ForcePDF
Uchenna, C. Onuoha, Opeyemi, I. Segun-Martins171-175

Why a shift from Coffee to Chat? A Study of the Kersa Woreda in Jimma Zone of South Western EthiopiaPDF
Dharmendra Kumar Dube176-182

Women, Armed Conflict, Loss and Support: From Victims to ActivistsPDF
Sohail Hassanein183-189

Towards an Interactive EFL Class: Using Active Learning StrategiesPDF
Valeh Gholami190-194

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484


Vol 4, No 20 (2014)

Table of Contents


Role of Rural-Ward Migration in Economic Development in Jos South Area of Plateau State, NigeriaPDF
Akpoko, S., Adefila, James1-10

Community Participation Sumenep in 2014 Legislative Elections (Reason-Political Studies in Sociology Perspective)PDF
Abd. Halim11-17

Cultural Disclaimer and Literary Sterility: Domestication of the English Language in Gabriel Okara’s the Voice, Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, and Amos Tutuola’s the Palm Wine DrinkersPDF
Uche Nnamani, Obiajulu Emejulu, Appollonia I. Amadi18-22

The Perception of English Vowels by Arab EFL Learners: A Case Study of University Students at Zarqa UniversityPDF
Mohammed A. Al-Badawi, Jamal Azmi Salim23-26

Effects of Supermarket Delis on Established Restaurants in Nairobi’s Central Business DistrictPDF
Kungu’u Samson Kuria, Teresa Wangui. Kirathe, Charles Gitari Wangeci27-42

Causes of Prolonged Waiting Time in Public Health Facilities among Health Care Seekers in Calabar Municipal Council of Cross River State, NigeriaPDF
O’Neill, C. B, Edim, M. E., Obarein, B. O.43-47

Pre-Performance and other Contexts within Which Adzewa and Adzeba Music and Dance are Performed along the Fanti Coastline of GhanaPDF

Prophetic Economic Model and Global Economic Systems: A Critical AssessmentPDF
Nuhu Ogirima, Nene V. Anikoh55-59

Rhetorical and Phonetic Function of Elision and Ellipsis in the Quran with Some Reference to EnglishPDF
Gatie Niema Risan al-Hilfy60-67

The Economic Dimensions of Slums in the Kumasi Metropolis, GhanaPDF
Matthew Abunyewah, Eric Doe Ackuayi, Osei-Agyemang Nana68-81

Extent of Extension Service Delivery for Agro-pastoralists in Niger State,NigeriaPDF
Ibrahim, M ., G.B. Adesiji, I.S. Tyabo., I.S Umar, M.A Ndanitsa, A. Abdullazeez82-87

Determinants of Employee Turnover in Kerio Valley Development Authority in KenyaPDF
Micah Onyiego Nyakego88-97

Ideophonic Description of Motion in HausaPDF
Maryam Goni Askira98-100

Enhancement of the Value of Information Technology Services through Paperless Systems in Organizations in Rivers StatePDF

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484

Vol 4, No 21 (2014)

Table of Contents


The Effectiveness of Dramatic Role-Playing on the Linguistic Achievement and the Development of Verbal Expressive Performance among the Basic 4th Grade Students in JordanPDF
Qasem Nawwaf Al-Barri, Haitham Mamdouh Alqadi, Su’aad Al-Wa’ely, Raed.M. Khodair, Omar,m Alshawashreh1-9

Human Trafficking and Interface of Slavery In The 21st Century in NigeriaPDF

Islamic Theology: an Epistemological CriticismPDF
Sangkot Sirait20-27

Analysis of factors impacting on the competition of Iran’s air transport industry based on Porter’s Five Forces ModelPDF
Majid Rasouli, Sohrab Ramezani Malabad28-43

Resurgence of Ethnic Crises and Instability in NigeriaPDF
Johnson Olusegun Ajayi44-55

Strategies of Translating Political Texts with Particular Reference to English and ItalianPDF
Mohammad Issa Mehawesh56-73

The Administration of Zakat in Lagos and Ogun StatesPDF
Saheed Afolabi Ashafa74-87

Effect of Quality Service Indicators on the Attitude of Farmers towards Demand-driven Extension Services in Niger State, NigeriaPDF
Umar, S. I., Ndanitsa, M. A, Tyabo, I. S, Ibrahim, M.88-93

Performance of Cox Proportional Hazard and Accelerated Failure Time Models in the Analysis of HIV/TB Co-infection Survival DataPDF
Derek Ngbandor Nawumbeni, Albert Luguterah, Timothy Adampah94-102

Gender and Feminist Consciousness in Anita Desai’s NovelsPDF
Md. Eftekhar Uddin103-110

The Impacts of Industrial Policies on the Manufacturing Sector in Nigeria: An AssessmentPDF
Nyor, Gabriel Aza, Chinge, Ayuba Dodo111-120

Learning Strategies, Age, Gender and School-location as Predictors of Students’ Achievement in Chemistry in Rivers State, NigeriaPDF

Performance Contracts and Service Delivery: What Is The Level of Preparedness of School Managers in Management of Secondary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya?PDF
Jackson Musya MULEI, John Aluko ORODHO128-139

Parks and Communities: Assessing the Social Impacts of the Creation of Cross River National Park, Nigeria, using the Sustainable Livelihoods ApproachPDF
Oliver O. O. Enuoh140-154

Against the Backdrop of Colonialism and Slavery: Loss of Personhood, Cultural Enslavement and Quest for Identity in Earl Lovelace’s The Dragon Can’t DancePDF
Asika, Ikechukwu Emmanuel155-164

A Socio-pragmatic Study of Some Caricatures in Iraqi TV. MediaPDF
Riyadh K. Ibrahim165-175

Swahili Military Terminology: A Case of an Evolving Non-Institutionalized Language StandardPDF
Kevogo Stanley Adika, Alex Umbima Kevogo176-193

Examining Strategies School Managers Employ to Motivate Teachers: A Case of Secondary School Teachers in Kyenjojo District, WesternPDF
Nganzi A. Christopher, Jennifer K. Munyua, Evans Ogoti Okendo194-201

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484


Vol.4, No.19, No.20, No.21 (2014) Research on Humanities and Social Sciences

Vol 4, No 9 (2014) Public Policy and Administration Research

Vol 4, No 9 (2014)

Table of Contents


Administration of Property Development in SarawakPDF
Noni Harianti Junaidi, Dani Salleh1-10

Aswaja In Frames Political Ideology and Democracy (Interpretation Asjawa in Eyes Politicians NU)PDF
Abd. Halim11-19

Defining Good Public Health Services from Its Satisfactory Perspectives: A Study on Patient Satisfaction at Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Pekanbaru of IndonesiaPDF
Harapan Tua Ricky Freddy S., M. Irfan Islamy, Soesilo Zauhar, Mardiyono .20-30

Doctors’ Opinion Papers in Long-term Care Need Certification in Japan: Comparison between Clinic and Advanced Treatment Hospital SettingsPDF
Yoko Moriyama, Nanako Tamiya, Akiko Kamimura, Felipe Sandoval, Marilyn Luptak31-37

Public Policy Failures in Nigeria: Pathway to UnderdevelopmentPDF
Samson E. Obamwonyi, Stanley Aibieyi38-43

Goal Setting and Performance Appraisal in Nigerian Public Enterprises: An Empirical Study of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)PDF
Ogbewere Bankole Ijewereme, Dunmade Emmanuel Olaniyi44-50

The Supervisory Role of the Headmaster at the Higher Secondary Level: A Teacher’s PerceptionPDF
Saqib Khan51-54

The Politics behind the Passage of Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Its Provisions: A Modest AnalysisPDF
Md. Morshedul Islam55-66

The Shahbagh Movement of 2013 and its Impacts on the Politics of Bangladesh: A Modest ReviewPDF
Md. Morshedul Islam67-78

Pay Reward System Management and Staff Performance in Nigeria: A Study of the Delta State Civil ServicePDF
Kelly Bryan Ovie Ejumudo79-94

Impact of Financial Management on Secondary School’s Administration in Zone A Senatorial District Of Benue State-NigeriaPDF
Bua, Felix Terhile, Adzongo, Philomena Ibuh95-103

Constructivism of Human Capacity Development ModelsPDF
Bintoro Wardiyanto, Dwi Windyastuti Budi Hendrarti104-112

Effect of Employee Satisfaction on Intrapreneurship: An Analysis from Service Industry of Pakistan.PDF
Muhammad Arslan113-120

The Impact of Corruption on Firm Performance: Evidence from PakistanPDF
Muhammad Sohail121-125

Impact of Leadership Style on Organisation Performance: A Srategic Literature ReviewPDF
Goddy Osa Igbaekemen126-135

Political Entrtepreneurs and Dividends of Democracy in Nigeria: Some ReflectionsPDF
Ichima, Sunday136-140

The Intensity of Migration on the Light of Rural Development in Indian Scenario-A Study of Kerala.PDF
Haseena V.A141-146

An Empirical Analysis of the Distributional Impact of Public Expenditure Pattern on Human Development in Nigeria StatesPDF
Richardson, Kojo Edeme, Israel, O. Imide147-157

Public Transport City Bus In Surakarta: A Servqual Inside-OutPDF
Kristina Setyowati, Bambang Supriyono, Andy Fefta Wijaya, Tjahjanulin Domai158-168

Role of various Institutions in providing Technology Support Services to MSEs in KenyaPDF
Eliud Dismas Moyi169-177

Implementation of Restructurization of Regional Apparatus Organization in Bulungan Regency East Kalimantan ProvincePDF
Wiyono Adie M, Sumartono ., Siti Rochmah, Adri Patton178-186

The Efforts of Performance Improvement of Regional Water Company (PDAM) to Serve Costumers in Samarinda CityPDF
Tajuddin Noor, Abdul Hakim, Siti Rochmah, Adam Idris187-195

Assesment of Information Technology Alignment on Business Performance: a Case Of Forex Bureaus In Nairobi CountyPDF
Najib Abdirahman Wehliye, Arphaxad Nguka Owange, Henry Gommans, Gongera Enock George196-213

Implementation of Policy of Outpost Island Management in National Resilience Perspective (Case Study in Sebatik Island – North Kalimantan Province)PDF
Tirton Nefianto, Agus Suryono, Bambang Santoso Haryono, Choirul Saleh214-224

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-5731 ISSN (Online)2225-0972

Vol 4, No 9 (2014) Public Policy and Administration Research

Vol 29 (2014) New Media and Mass Communication

Vol 29 (2014)

Table of Contents


Exposure to Sexual Content on Television and Youth Perceptions of Sexuality in Technical Training Institutions in KenyaPDF
Stellah I. Onyiengo1-13

Gulf Newspapers and Their Role in Connecting States of the Gulf Cooperation CouncilPDF
Yasin Taha Al Yasin14-21

Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour: With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, IndiaPDF
Akwasi Ampofo22-36

Attitude and Usage of Blog as a Determinant to Pre-Service Teachers’ Academic AchievementPDF
Christopher T. OMOTUNDE, Kayode O. FAGUN, Shadrach O. ADERELE, James A. Abidoye37-42

Niger Delta Restiveness in Nigeria: a Multimodal Discourse Analytical Study of Cover Pages of Selected Editions of Tell News MagazinesPDF
Olowu Ayodeji, Ariyo Kayode Samuel43-50

Frames in News Discourse on Nelson Mandela’S Illness and Hospitalisation: A Study of Nigerian and Zimbabwean NewspapersPDF
Christian Chinedu Odoemelam, Jakobe Bhekinkosi Ncube, Emmanuel Okorom51-59

Influence of Social Media on Group Behaviour and Academic Achievement among Senior Secondary Students in Ilorin-West, Kwara StatePDF
Muritala Ishola Akanbi, Makama Usman Daji, Godwin Augustina60-64

Influence of ICT in the Media Report of Abuja Bomb BlastPDF
Ugwu Ebere Maryann, Ray Udeajah65-73

Impact of ICT on Information Gathering and Dissemination of Television ReportersPDF
Alum, Blessing Ifeoma74-81

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-3267 ISSN (Online)2224-3275

Vol 29 (2014) New Media and Mass Communication

Vol 4, No 7 (2014) Journal of Network and Complex Systems

Vol 4, No 7 (2014)

Table of Contents


Point – to – Point Virtual Private Network Based on IP Filtering and Rijndael Encryption AlgorithmPDF
Eng.Nedhal Ahmad Hamdi, Imad Hussain AL. Hussaini1-9

GSM Network Optimization And Planning For Nelson Mandela African Institute Of Science And TechnologyPDF
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ISSN (Paper)2224-610X ISSN (Online)2225-0603

Vol 4, No 7 (2014) Journal of Network and Complex Systems