Thursday, 5 February 2015

Vol 4, No.25, No.26 (2014) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare


Vol 4, No 25 (2014)

Table of Contents


Cytotoxic effect of the purified inulinase from locally Isolate Staphylococcus aureus on Hep-2 cancer cell line in vitroPDF
Sahira Nsayef Muslim1-7

Top Cross Analysis of Maize (Zea mays L) Inbred Lines for Some Agronomic Traits in Central Rift Valley of EthiopiaPDF
Shushay welderufael Abrha8-13

Seed Borne Fungal Pathogen Associated with Soybean (Glycine max L.) and their Management in Jimma, Southwestern EthiopiaPDF
Kumlachew Alemu14-19

Isolation and Identification of Fungal Pathogens Associated with Cold Storage Type of (Coffee Arabica.) Seed, at Jimma Agricultural Research Center, Western EthiopiaPDF
Alemu Nega20-26

Antimicrobial Screening and Therapeutic Potentials of Crude Extracts of Plants Used as Anti-Malarial Remedies in Ibo-Nigeria Folkloric MedicinePDF
Ezeudo Ewuziem Nwaozuzu, Godwin Chukwu Ebi27-31

Study on Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Nematodes and Coccidian Parasites Affecting Cattle in West Arsi zone, Ormia Regional State, EthiopiaPDF
Addisu Bacha Berihu Haftu, Teame Gebrehiwot32-38

Comparative Analysis of Seasonal Effects on the Growth Performance and Yield of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum Lin.) Under Agro -Forestry System (Alley Cropping) with the Rattle Tree (Albizia Lebbeck Benth)PDF
Kareem, I. A.39-50

The Contraceptive Knowledge, Practices and Reasons for Failure among Abortion Care Seekers in Hawassa City, EthiopiaPDF
Tafesse Lamaro51-62

A Retrospective Study on Calf Mortality in Wolaita Soddo Jersey Cattle Breeding and Multiplication Center, Wolaita Soddo, Southern EthiopiaPDF
Assefa K.63-67

Effect of Cu AND Zn On Maize (Zea Mays L.) Yield and Nutrient Uptake in Coastal Plain Sand Derived Soils of Southeastern NigeriaPDF
Eteng, E. U., Asawalam, D. O., Ano, A. O.68-73

Effect of Irrational Use of Pesticides on Insect Pests and Yield of OkraPDF
T. A. Wagan74-78

Post Flood Agricultural Livelihood and Food Security Issues: A Way ForwardPDF
Saubia Ramzan79-83

Is Diabetes a Model for Gene-environment Interaction in Premature Senescence?PDF

Double Jeopardy: HIV-Positive Wives Caring for Their HIV-Positive Spouses in AccraPDF
Vivian Tackie-Ofosu, Senah Kojo, Michael Tagoe, Senah Kojo, Gadegbeku C, Vandyck, Efua94-101

Utilization of Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses IMCI for Child health in Western KenyaPDF
Maurice B. Silali102-113

Incubation and Brooding Practices of Local Chicken Producers in Ethiopia: The Case of Western Zone of TigrayPDF
Shishay Markos, Berhanu Belay, Tadelle Dessie114-126

Influence of Polyethylene Soil Mulch and Foliar Application of Urea , Complete Fertilizers, Seaweed in Alleviating Salt Stress of Broccoli (Brassica Oleracea Var.Italica)PDF
Ali Husain Jasim, Fadia Hameed Moham, Wasan M. Abo Al-Timman127-132

Evaluation of Quality and Quantity of Corn and Soybean Grain Yield In Intercropping under Deficit IrrigationPDF
Yusef Ghazi-khanlou Sani, Khalil Jamshidi, Mohammad Reza Azimi Moghadam133-139

Traditional Consumption, Therapeutic Value and Its Derived Dairy Products of Dromedary Camel (Camelus Dromedaries) Milk in Somali Regional State, Eastern Ethiopia; A ReviewPDF
Aleme Asres, Mohammed Yusuf140-145

Physiological Adaptation of Animals to the Change of Environment: A ReviewPDF
Aleme Asres, Negassie Amha146-151

Marketing and Price Determinant Factors of Village Chicken Products: The Case of Western Zone of TigrayPDF
Shishay Markos152-161

Influence of Integrated Levels of Potassium and Zinc on the Green Fodder Yield of Miaze (Zea mays L.)PDF
Muzaffar Ahmed162-170

The Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites and Anaemia among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic in Federal Medical Centre Owerri, Imo State, NigeriaPDF
Obiakor-Okeke, Philomena N, Nwaogu Tina C., Agugo, U.A., Odigwe Nkechi M.171-177

Longitudinal Study of Type-2-Diabetes: A Profile Analysis at the Ketu-South MunicipalityPDF
Timothy Adampah, Albert Luguterah, Sylvester Dodzi Nyadanu, Derek Ngbandor Nawumbeni178-190

Isolation of Oil – Degrading Microorganisms in Spent Engine Oil – Contaminated SoilPDF
Jesubunmi, Christianah Olubunmi191-195

Effect of Different Sowing Dates on Insect Pest Population of Chillies (Capsicum annuam L)PDF
Muhammad Rafiq Kethran196-214

Late Blight of Potato (Phytophthora infestans) Biology, Economic Importance and its Management ApproachesPDF
Binyam Tsedaley215-225

Cactus Pear (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) in Tigray, North Ethiopia: History, potential and challenges (Review paper)PDF
Shushay welderufael abrha226-229

Review of Mango Value Chain in EthiopiaPDF
Takele Honja230-239

Technical Efficiency Measurement among Maize Farmers in Kogi State, NigeriaPDF
Opaluwa, Haruna I., Otitoliaye Justin O., Ibitoye Stephen J.240-246

Estimates of Combining Ability and Gene Action in Maize (Zea mays L.) Under Water Stress and Non-stress ConditionsPDF
U.U. Umar, S.G. Ado, D.A. Aba, S.M. Bugaje247-253

Effects of Diferent Rates of NPK and Blended Fertilizers on Nutrient Uptake and Use Efficiency of Teff [Eragrostis Tef (Zuccagni) Trotter] in Dedessa District, Southwestern EthiopiaPDF
Fayera Asefa254-258

Extract of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) on the Histology of the Spleen Using Adult Male RatsPDF
Gabriel Udo-Affah, Kebe, E. Obeten, Patricia P. Obasee, Victoria N. Isaac259-267

Changing Pattern of Mycena polygramma in PakistanPDF
Waheed Anwar, Muhammad Javed Saleem, Muhammad Ali268-271

Association between thrombocytes count and Plasmodium falcipurum infection among children under five years attending Kombewa Sub-County HospitalPDF
Oyugi O. Ben, Yongo E. Arthy, Ogony O. Jack, Ochola O. Jew, Hongo Steven, Wamalwa W. Ronald, Sowayi A. George, Chunge E. Gladys, Shaviya M. Nathan272-279

Vol 4, No 26 (2014)

Table of Contents


Histological observation of Gelam (Melaleuca cajuputi Powell) in different ecosystems of TerengganuPDF
M. Masitah, A.R. Shamsul Bahri, Jamilah M.S., Salwani Ismail1-7

Challenges of Utilizing Agricultural Information Sources by Small Scale Farmers in Nasarawa State, NigeriaPDF
Bello M, C. P. O. Obinne, S. A. Bako8-16

Circumcision Risks, Benefits and the ProspectivePDF
Sokol Buba17-19

Comparative Antibiotic Activities of Ethanol Extracts of Leaves and Inflorescences of Mitracarpus villosus from two different Geographical Regions in Nigeria in Synergy and Antagonism with Conventional AntibioticsPDF
Odima, C. A., Ubani, C. S., Eze, E. A., Oje, O. E., Agu, E. C., Joshua, P. E.20-29

Comparative Study of Training Needs of Forestry Workers in Oyo and Osun States, NigeriaPDF
Ayandiji, A., Adekunle O.A.30-37

Contemporary Price Trends and their Economic Significance in the Ashanti Region of GhanaPDF
James Fearon, Juliet Asare, Elijah O. Okran38-47

Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis Immunogloblins in Seminal Plasma by Microimmunofluorescence Test and Their Effect on Semen Parameters of Infertile Males in IraqPDF
Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy48-53

Effect of Broccoli Flower Extract (Brassica oleracea L. var.italica Plenck) on Inhibition of Photoaging Viewed from Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Expression in Human Skin FibroblastPDF
Nelva K. Jusuf, Adang Bachtiar, Sumadio Hadisahputra, Hardyanto Soebono54-59

Floristic Composition, Life Form and Chorology of Plant Life at Al-Saoda, Asir Region, South-Western Saudi ArabiaPDF
Saadiya S. Seraj, Rahma N. Jrais, Sakeena K. Ayyad60-65

Effect of Heat and Cold Therapy during the First Stage of Labor on Women Perception of Birth Experience: A Randomized Controlled TrialPDF
Rania Mahmoud Abdel Ghani66-72

Modes of Parasitism between the Necrotrophic Fungus Botrytis cinerea and Trichoderma sppPDF
Hema Moorthy Ram, Shuchishweta V Kendurkar73-80

Prevalence of abomasal nematodes in sheep and goats slaughtered at Haramaya municipal abattoir, eastern Hararghe, EthiopiaPDF
Shimelis Argaw, Desta Beyene, Belay Abebe81-87

Correlates of Missed Nursing Care in Selected Medical Intensive Care Units, EgyptPDF
Manar Ahmed Elbadawy Abd Elrehem, Magda Abd El Hamid Abd El Fatah, Yousria Abd El Salam Seloma88-105

Perceived Health Effects of Environmental Noise Pollution on the Inhabitants of Ado-Ekiti Metropolis. Ekiti State, NigeriaPDF
Awosusi A.O, Akindutire I.O106-113

Improving the Utilization of Sorghum Spent Grain (Pito Mash) in Broiler Diets by Treating with Plantain Peels Ash ExtractPDF
Asare-Bediako Ankrah, Esther Abandoh-Sam, Samuel Nyantakyi114-118

Stress Levels in the Stabilization Phase of Schizophrenia PatientsPDF
Superida Ginting, Vita Camellia, Bahagia Loebis119-123

The Biostatistical Technique to Diagnose the Extract Effect of the Black Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) on the Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from ConjunctivitisPDF
Hasan Yasien Touama, Faten Hasan Yasien124-133

The Effect of Cocoa Pods Waste as a Growing Media Supplement on Productivity and Nutrient Content of Brown Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus cystidiosus)PDF
Imam Mudakir, Utami Sri Hastuti, Fatchur Rohman, Abdul Gofur134-140

Antifungal activity of medicinal plants extracts against Botrytis cinerea the causal agent of gray mold on tomatoPDF
Btissam Senhaji, Bouchra Chebli, El Hassan Mayad, Zahra Ferji141-147

Correlation of Paternal Homocysteine Level and Sperm DNA Fragmentation in Couple with Idiopathic Recurrent Early Pregnancy LossPDF
Binarwan Halim, Delfi Lutan, M.Thamrin Tanjung, Ethiraj Balaji Prasath148-155

Assessment of Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care at a Large Public Referral Hospital in KenyaPDF
Titus Kipchumba Tarus, Judith Nekesa Mangeni, Jane C. Nyariki, Kennedy Nyongesa Simiyu, Milly C. Obel, Moses Mwangi Gitonga, Angela Albright156-160

Fruit Consumption among Staff of Agricultural Based InstitutionsPDF
Oyedele, O.O, I.B. Adeoye, I.O. Amao, K.M. Bamimore, A.A. Layade161-167

Cytotoxic effect of the purified lectin from locally Isolate Acinetobacter baumannii on Hep-2 tumor cell linePDF
Alaa N. Mahammed Ali168-173

Determination of the Existence and Distribution of HIV-I Chemokine Co-Receptor 5 Polymorphism in a Sampled Population from KenyaPDF
Benadine Bukachi, Samuel Khamadi, Michael Gicheru, Purity Gacheri174-189

Analysis of the Role of Women in Seed Security in Lamurde Local Government Area, Adamawa State, Nigeria.PDF
Bawa, D.B, Donye, A.O., Nuhu, H.S190-195

Risperidone Effectiveness with Attentional in Schizophrenic PatientsPDF
Lenni C. Sihite, Mustafa Mahmud Amin, Bahagia Loebis196-198

Comparison of Mild Cognitive Impairment Between the Older People with Diabetes Mellitus and without Diabetes MelitusPDF
Wijaya Taufik Tiji, Mustafa M Amin, Elmeida Effendy, Dharma Lindarto199-203

Comparative effect haloperidol and quetiapine within positive symptoms for female schizophrenic patientPDF
Hanip Fahri, Vita Camellia, Bahagia Loebis204-209

Paper submission email:

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol 4, No.25, No.26 (2014) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

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